What is Global Warming?
In simple words one can say that "Global Warming is the gradual increase in the global average temperature on our planet due to Greenhouse gases".
How is it Caused?
Excessive emission of Greenhouse gases and imbalance in the
Greenhouse Effect process are the main cause for Global warming.

1. Increase in the concentration of the Greenhouse gases i.e, Co2, Water vapor, Methane , Nitrous oxide in the atmosphere helps in trapping more infrared rays produced from the sun which otherwise would have reflected back into the space.
2. The major sources for production of these gases are the Power plants, Chemical Industries, Burning fossil fuels(like Petrol, Coal) and Deforestation.
3. Methane is the powerful gas in trapping more heat, it is produced from the soil decay in the rice fields.
4. Trees and plants help in reducing the Co2 concentration by producing Oxygen from it, but due to Deforestation the C02 concentration is increasing rapidly hence trapping more heat.
5. If more heat gets trapped then more warmer the earth becomes hence resulting in the Global Warming.